Guest Post: The Professional Vegan Bakes …

… Apple Pecan Muffins!
I’m super excited to be guest posting on Tales of Expansion; as my blog is geared towards dressing professionally as a vegan, writing about food is a fun diversion from the vegan clothing and accessories.  Since I’m a vegan on a budget (aka – law school grad with loans on a government salary), I make a batch of vegan muffins every weekend and then eat one or two for breakfast every morning (one if I make jumbo sized; two if I make regular size).  This week I made Apple Pecan Muffins based on a recipe in The Joy of Vegan Baking.

The ingredients:


And the necessary baking instruments:


The batter had some trouble holding all of the chopped apples (perhaps I cut too many; oops), but I found a way to smush them all in!  Based on the batter issues, I decided to make regular sized muffins so I could better monitor their progress in the oven. The over-stuffing didn’t hurt the muffins at all. Here they are pre- and post-bake:


Of course, I had to taste-test one of them:


It was very yummy — so yummy that I intend to bring some to my co-workers on Tuesday (I have today off!).  I am on a quest to prove to my co-workers that vegan baked goods are just as tasty as, and possibly better than, baked goods that incorporate butter, eggs, and milk.  Based on co-workers’ previous comments, so far it’s working!  So, next time you are at Whole Foods or think about baking something from scratch, don’t forget to consider vegan options.  😉

The Professional Vegan

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